

COVID-19: Obtaining a Referral for Mental Health

By: Danielle McCarthy

We’ve had a number of individuals enquiring how they can get a referral to see a Psychologist in light of the restrictions with COVID-19. I can confirm that a Mental Health Care Plan &/or a new referral letter can be provided by a GP via Telehealth. This of course will be dependent on whether the


COVID-19 Connecting With Your Values

By: Danielle McCarthy

I’ve noticed that during this COVID-19 situation I am having a similar conversation with many clients around reconnecting with their values. Our values are the things that are important to us…the things that give us meaning and purpose…the direction we want to move.  Our goals are the actions we can take, the things we can


Overcoming sleep difficulties: 4. Get rid of devices

By: Danielle McCarthy

Ok so surely most of us have heard that we shouldn’t sit on our phone or computer before bed right? Not convinced? Or, ever wondered why?  Check out my latest tip to help improve your sleep. Yes, it’s getting rid of devices before bed. However, in this video I try and help you understand why


COVID-19 – Sitting through uncomfortable feelings

By: Danielle McCarthy

I know I am not alone in experiencing a whole mixed bag of emotions around this COVID-19 crisis. I certainly have noticed experiencing a whole range of challenging emotions – sometimes all at once. At first, these felt overwhelming and too much. Then I reflected on what I would say if I was talking to


Overcoming sleep difficulties: 3. Go to bed when you’re tired

By: Danielle McCarthy

How are we all sleeping during this time? Getting a good night sleep certainly won’t hurt during this emotional roller-coaster. So far, I have discussed: How sleep problems arise: Keep the bed for sleep only: Keep your wake up time consistent: That must mean the next step is about when to go


Overcoming sleep difficulties: 2. Keep your wake up time consistent

By: Danielle McCarthy

Ok, so in kick starting my tips for getting through the COVID-19 crisis, I  first I want to talk about sleep. I started posting tips about sleep before COVID-19, however, that all got put on hold in the last couple weeks. But come on – let’s face it, sleep is just as important now as


COVID-19 Response – how we’re taking care of mental health

By: Danielle McCarthy

What challenging times for the world… As you are aware, this is a devastating time for everyone around the world. Here on the Sunshine Coast, we are already seeing the negative impact on individuals, as they lose their jobs, businesses, are having to cancel their weddings, or are unable to attend the funerals of loved


Overcoming Sleep Difficulties: 1. Keep the bed for sleep only

By: Danielle McCarthy

Following on from my last video where I discuss how sleep problems arise, in this video I talk to you about how to start overcoming sleep difficulties. First off the mark is 1. Keep the bed for sleep only. Remember how I discussed in the last video that we want to condition the bedroom as


Overcoming Sleep Difficulties: Understanding how they started

By: Danielle McCarthy

Sleep problems are incredibly common! I am very passionate about the treatment of sleep difficulties as I have seen the detrimental impact that sleep problems can have on someone. As always, I think it’s best to understand how sleep difficulties began in the first place. Then, with that understanding it starts to make sense how