Ground Yourself In The Present Moment With This Quick, Easy Strategy
Ever get caught in your head? When we get caught in thoughts about the future this can be linked to stress and/or anxiety. When we get caught in thoughts about the past this can be linked to depression. By grounding yourself in the present moment (the here-and-now) this can help you get some much needed space from these thoughts and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety and/or depression. For a quick, easy strategy to assist with this check out the video below.
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Danielle McCarthy: Hey guys, Danielle McCarthy here from Mind Potential Psychology. In this video today, I want to teach you a strategy to help “ground you in the present moment.” The reason being is that often we can get caught in thoughts to do with the future – worries about what’s around the corner, what if’s, etc. Getting caught in these thoughts can be associated with stress and anxiety. On the other hand, getting caught in thoughts about the past can be associated with depression.
Grounding yourself in the present moment can allow you to get some much needed space from these thoughts and can help alleviate stress, anxiety and/or depression.
From this grounded place you’re going to feel calmer, have more clarity, and function a lot more effectively.
The strategy to help ground you in the present moment involves the following:
- Notice when you are getting caught up in thoughts about the future or the past
- Stop what you’re doing
- Name 3 things you can hear. I want you to just stop, listen, and in your head name 3 things you can hear.
- Name 3 things you can see. Take a look at the space around you and name 3 things you can see.
- Name 3 things you can feel or touch. It might be your feet on the floor or the clothing against your skin, etc.
Using our senses in this way is an effective way of grounding us back in the present moment. This is because when you’re focusing on three things you can see, hear, and/or touch, you can’t be caught up in your head.
I hope you found this useful. Give it a go and let me know any feedback. If you would like any more information feel free to send me an email at or comment below.